Pleronix is a philosophy, method and tool for providing “Business Situational Awareness”© , Opportunities, Leads and Tenders – driven by cutting edge AI and ML algorithms and trained through your Corporate-Wisdom©, as a Service
Servicing prominent Top 100 defense firms, we provide daily email news and tender briefing, as well as our advanced CI dashboard
Infuse your organization with business awareness. Simple. Effective. Immediate.
Daily Email Briefings and Tenders
Each work day we distribute a daily brief which is composed of tailored personal, global news, and tenders. To as many executives as you need in your organization. Based either on product lines or geographical regions. Ranked and prioritized the way you want to see them. Good morning!
Hundreds of articles analyzed daily in several languages – bringing you a truly global insight. As you read through the links, we fine-tune our Algosifting© ranking and classification algorithms
Advanced CI Dashboard
Daily news summarized by corporate interest rank
Global news spread and alerts based on user defined campaigns
Daily tenders relevant to your organization